Carolee J. Winstein Seminar, Hammel Neurocenter 3. juni 2022


Professor Carolee J. Winstein fra University of Southern California gæster Danmark den 3. juni og vil på Hammel Neurocenter give et seminar med fokus på evidensbaseret praksis, Motor Learning og overekstremiteten med titlen: Carolee Winstein Seminar: Infusing Contemporary Motor Learning into Neurorehabilitation Practice: Integration of Skill, Capacity and Motivation to Maximize Brain Recovery – A seminar for physiotherapist and occupational therapists with special focus on upper limb recovery.


The seminar is designed for:

Experienced practitioners/clinicans within neurorehabilitation, focusing on patients with acquired brain injury (traumatic, stroke etc). Highly relevant for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists but other professions are welcome.



8:30 – 9:30  Check-in, coffee and breakfast rolls

9:30 – 10:30  Why should we infuse contemporary motor learning principles into neurorehabilitation practice?

This hour long lecture will include 1 10-minute break-out focus group.


10:45 – 12:00  Five features to look for in early-phase clinical intervention studies that can inform translation into practice.

This 1.25 hour lecture will include 2 10-minute break-out focus groups.


12:45 – 14:00  Future directions: What is on the horizon for neurorehabilitation? This lecture will include discussion of recent advances for which there is promising scientific evidence, including: best timing for rehab after stroke; Vagus nerve stimulation, and EMA/EMI with wearable sensors.

This 1.25 hour lecture will include at least 1 10 minute break-out focus group.


14:15 – 15:30 Q&A/future directions


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