Mary Massery’s LINKED: Breathing & Postural Control A Pediatric and Adult Course (formerly known as: IF YOU CAN’T BREATHE, YOU CAN’T FUNCTION)
1 dags kursus
1.500,00 kr. – 2.000,00 kr.
pr. deltager
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Hvis man er medlem af en af følgende selskaber deltager man til medlemspris:
Dansk Selskab for Neurologisk Fysioterapi, Dansk Selskab for Hjertelunge Fysioterapi, Dansk Selskab for Pædiatrisk Fysioterapi, Dansk Selskab for Voksne Udviklingshæmmede, Ergoterapifagligt Selskab Neurorehabilitering (EFS), Sektionen för neurologi/Professions- och fackförbundet för Sveriges Fysioterapeuter (sjukgymnaster), ACPIN – Association of chartered physiotherapists in neurology England
This course, developed by Mary Massery, proposes a new definition of “core stability;” redefining it as the dynamic control of trunk pressures to optimize postural stability (balance). Dr. Massery’s “soda pop can model” links breathing mechanics to postural control using multi-system interactions. The speaker presents novel research demonstrating the role of vocal folds as postural stabilizers, extending the concept of “core stability” from the vocal folds on the top of the trunk to the pelvic floor on the bottom. The course contains the theoretical information and quick interventions (positioning and ventilatory strategies). Multiple clinical cases will be used to strengthen the concepts. The course is applicable for any pediatric or adult patient who breathes and balances!
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© Dansk Selskab For Neurologisk Fysioterapi