3-Day Upper Limb Workshop

5-7. november 2024
Dansk Selskab for Neurologisk Fysioterapi annoncerer hermed 4 kurser med australske undervisere.
Denne gang foregår de på Århus Kommunes Neurocenter og Rigshospitalet Glostrup. 2 OE kurser og 2 UE kurser.
OE kurserne – her er underviserne Annie McCluskey og Karl Schurr    (Fysio- og ergoterapeuter kan deltage, man deltager til medlemspris, hvis man er medlem af Dansk Selskab for Neuroloegisk Fysioterapi eller Ergoterapeutfagligt selskab for Neurorehabilitering)
UE kurserne – her er underviserne Simone Dorsch og Karl Schurr.  (KUN fysioterapeuter kan deltage. Man deltager til medlemspris, hvis man er medlem af Dansk Selskab for Neuroloegisk Fysioterapi  )
Kurserne foregår på engelsk.


4.000,00 kr.4.800,00 kr.

pr. deltager

Sidste tilmeldingsfrist: 

7. oktober 2024

Evidence-based upper limb retraining after stroke’

This course focuses on helping therapists to minimize upper limb impairments post-stroke and increase engagement in activities.  Workshop notes and content will be based on published research and movement science/motor relearning. Since first being run in 1993, workshop content has been regularly updated to incorporate new evidence.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the 3 days, participants will be able to:

  • Name the essential components of normal reach and manipulation.
  • Recognize common compensations when observing stroke survivors attempting to grasp objects and explain how to minimize compensatory strategies.
  • Name and discuss factors thought to contribute to the development of muscle overactivity, spasticity and stiffness, and intervention strategies to help minimize these secondary problems.
  • Explain the relationship and differences between overactivity, spasticity, muscle length changes and stiffness, missing essential components and compensations.
  • Plan and conduct an assessment and training session with a stroke survivor using motor learning principles and task-specific practice.
  • Discuss factors which affect motor learning and can be modified to enhance learning and increase client practice.
  • Use an electrical stimulation machine to stimulate upper limb muscles.

Discuss current evidence for constraint-induced movement therapy, mental practice, mirror box therapy and electrical stimulation for improving upper limb motor recovery

Practical work during the course:

Numbers of participants are restricted because there are clinical sessions involving 8 people with stroke and small groups of 3 therapists.  The course presenters assist these teams of therapists to assess and establish a training program for all 8 people with stroke.

Target audience:

The course is aimed at occupational therapists and physiotherapists who work with stroke survivors (inpatients and community). Therapists working with people affected by traumatic brain injury and other neurological conditions will find the workshop relevant, however, most of the examples provided, and all participant volunteers have had a stroke.  Pediatric therapists may also find the workshop helpful, but all examples used will be adult patient group

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Annie McCluskey

Clinical experience: Stroke and brain injury rehabilitation for 30 years + in Australia and UK. Honorary senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, and Adjunct Associate Professor at James Cook University, Australia. Private occupational therapy practitioner offering community-based motor retraining for people with stroke, clinical and research mentoring. Research and publications – over 50 peer reviewed journal articles. Co-developer of the www.otseeker.com
Annie McCluskey

Karl Schurr

Clinical experience: Stroke and brain injury rehabilitation for 30 years + in Australia and UK. Was senior physiotherapist at the stroke unit, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, Sydney, Australia. Presents regularly at workshops and conferences in Australia and overseas.

Research and publications – published over 20 peer reviewed journal articles.
Karl Schurr

Kursus detaljer

5-7. november 2024
Rigshospitalet Glostrup
Annie McCluskey
Karl Schurr
Ledige Pladser:

4 ledige pladser

7. oktober 2024